Aslan Carallsa

Sire: BIS BISS EUW’21 Multi Ch. Ridon Hennet Ärtu
Dam: WW’21 C.I.B BiH CZ SK Ch. Keysi od Zlatého Roxe
Hips  A/B, Elbows 0/0, Eyes ECVO Normal
HS risk test done  (available in HSIMS)
DM Clear both exons
Born: 27.6.2022
Breeder: Nela Pultarova, Czechia


Aslan, with his striking bone and joyful personality, is our young goofy clown. His playful antics and boundless joy make him an instant favorite among everyone he meets — except my youngest kid, who thinks Aslan’s ever-wagging tail and substantial body are always in his way. And Aslan seems to be quite unaware of his size sometimes, like a bull in a china shop.

Aslan comes from Nela Pultarova in Czechia. I had previously bred one of my females to Aslan's stunning father Ärtu but unfortunately she never got pregnant. When I learned Nela had bred her beautiful Keysi to Ärtu, I knew I had to bring one of these puppies home. Keysi goes back to Ch. Funatic Roquefort from her father's side, adding to the allure I had of this combination. 

Aslan is still young and maturing and has been shown only a handful of times so far. Nevertheless he has done well and has two CACs, BOB and res.CACIB from Finland.   
He has passed his health clearances and is available in breeding to approved bitches. You can find his info and pedigree from Berner-Garde Database and he can be found in Antagene's HSIMS tool.

Aslan 22 months
Aslan 22 months
Aslan 22 months
Aslan 22 months
Aslan the lap dog

Aslan the lap dog

Puppy Aslan learning to swim
Brothers Anakin, Anschello, Aranamis and Aslan Carallsa

Brothers Anakin, Anschello, Aranamis & Aslan

Aslan 13 months with Vappu

Aslan 13  months with Vappu

Aslan 5 months

Aslan 5 months

Aslan's sire Ridon Hennet Ärtu & dam Keysi od Zlateho Roxe

sire Ärtu & dam Keysi

Aslan's sire Ridon Hennet Ärtu


Aslan's dam Keysi od Zlateho Roxe
22 months