Oops… I realized I haven’t been updating news in a VERY long time. That very long time is THREE YEARS! Oops…
Well, I’ll try to start updating more often.
Yesterday, Nov 6, was a special day here at Funatic: after a long time, almost 2.5 years, we welcomed a new litter of puppies in our house.
9 weeks ago Tiina drove to Hämeenkyrö with Farina to meet her chosen boyfriend Sulo. Odds were not with us, we had tried breeding her twice before with another male without luck and I almost gave up. But something told me to try one more time but with a different stud this time. Well, long story short, had to change stud plans once more when Farina came in season. But luckily it was a great plan and Sulo made our day. It took Sulo and Farina maybe 30 seconds and it was a tie! Then the long wait began… A month later ultrasound revealed Farina was indeed VERY pregnant.
Yesterday was THE DAY. Farina’s whelping was smooth and easy, with first couple puppies I didn’t even notice her pushing and PLOP there was a puppy. One was born outside when she went to pee …PLOP PLOP… and I managed to catch the puppy in the grass. It was like a clockwork with the first five, a puppy per 60 minutes. Then next one arrive 10 minutes apart and then again 60 minutes. I could still feel puppy or two inside but she needed to rest. The last two were born again without almost noticing she was pushing, unfortunately they were stillborn.
All in all, so happy things went smoothly and easily and I’m relieved pups are here safe and sound. We have 4 girls and 3 boys, and proud & loving mom is Ch. Funatic Fun For Your Life and happy sire is Ch. Vinkizz Standard.
» Go to pedigree in Koiranet
» Go to our Puppy News page
Come back next week as I’m going to publish weekly puppy pics and stories in the news section during the following weeks.