We have a new Finnish Champion: Funatic Miss Behaving!
Timing couldn’t have been better as this was the last show of the year for Molla. No coat – no more shows :)
Molla’s brother Gusto took BOB and I helped to show Juusto x Milla son Vuorenpeikon Einari who also finished his champion title. Great way to end the outdoor show season!
» George Clooney von Bernice Love VG4 in open class
» Funatic Mucho Gusto EXC1 CQ in champion class, BD#1, BOB
» Funatic Roquefort VG2 in champion class
» Funatic Miss Behaving EXC1 CQ in open class, BD#3, CAC, new Ch.
judge: Jochen Eberhardt, Germany
Happy winners: BOB Funatic Mucho Gusto & BOS Berndream’s Coconut Geisha-Fun
New Finnish Champion Funatic Miss Behaving (photo: R. Rikama)