Ninja and her son Nemo stole the show in Mäntsälä. Ninja took BOB and BOB veteran and Nemo took BOS – first time shown by his owner Sabine and first time in champion class!
Congrats on such wonderful a day!!! And thank you Janne again for great pictures :)
» Funatic SpongeBob EXC1 CQ in champion class, BD#1, BOS
» Funatic Versace EXC1 CQ in veteran class, BB#1, BOB Veteran, BOB
judge: Hans Bierhof, Austria
BOB veteran Ch. Funatic Versace, BOS veteran Ch. Riccarron Kroisospennonen (photo: Janne Marin)
Funatic Versace BOB & BOB Veteran (photo: Janne Marin)
Funatic SpongeBob and Sabine on the move (photo: Janne Marin)
Ch. Funatic SpongeBob best male and BOS in Mäntsälä (photo: Janne Marin)