We had a wonderful time at the Finnish National Specialty with many Funatics and our Chicago friends!
The day started with puppies. First it looked like it would be raining all morning but luckily the rain stopped and sun came up just in time. It wasn’t a bad morning at all because our boy Gusto took BOB puppy and finally BISS puppy, his sister Molla was BOS puppy, and their sisters Hertta 3rd and Mona 4th in puppy class. A great start for the M kids!
(Pictures of the puppies are coming as soon as I get the official photos.)
Next were Essi’s and Luisa’s turn in huge open bitch class: excellent for both and Luisa took 4th place with CQ from 30 entries! Essi also made the cut and was the last one to leave the ring – so we could say she was 5th. I’m extremely happy and proud for Luisa, first time in open class and actually first time at the show in almost 2 years!
Then Nemo and his brother Noa in open dog class. Nemo was our “dark horse” and surprised us all! Open class winner with CQ, then later on in the finals 3rd Best Dog and reserve CAC! WOW! His 3rd show ever and first show this year. What a handsome boy he is!
Finnish Specialty 2011: TK1 TK2 BH Funatic SpongeBob open class winner, 3rd best male & reserve CAC
Then it was time for champions. Skumppa took 3rd place with CQ in champion dogs. Our Grand Old Ladies Saimi and Ninja were shown in champion bitches and Ninja showed all the younger dogs how to move and show. She took 2nd place with CQ in champion bitch class after Ch. Goldbear’s Qualitystreet who later on went to BOB and BISS.
Funatic breeder group took 4th place with prize of honor with Skumppa, Nemo, Ninja & Luisa.
So.. all in all a GREAT day for Funatic!
Finnish Specialty 2011: Funatic breeder group with Taittinger, SpongeBob, Q-Louisa & Versace
Also two Tanner kids did also very good jod: Alpweiden Please Be Jackpot was 2nd with CQ and Matildan Obladii Onerva was 3rd with CQ in junior bitch class. They both look awesome!
Thank you everyone for coming! And a huge thank you for everyones help during the day with the dogs and handling and managing everything.
Special thank you goes to Debbie for helping groom the dogs and for your valuable tips! And also a big thank you to our paparazzi Janne!
Although the show was very well organized I have to criticize: show rings were not what I expect to see at the national specialty! Grass was awfully long and the surface was pitted. It resembled more a hayfield than a lawn. And three Bernese rings running at the same time… Well, I’ve never liked that and I never will. But I have to give credit, too. Everyone was ready to give a helping hand, rings were running smoothly and everyone had a good spirit and sportsmanship!
After a long and successful day we headed back to Helsinki and had a delicious dinner (and a little bit of bubbly) with Rituli, Kaisa, Nelli, Natalia and team Chicago.
It was a fantastic night, ladies!
Our results at the National Specialty, in Tampere 10.9.2011:
» Funatic Mucho Gusto BOB Puppy, BISS Puppy
» Funatic Miss Behaving BOS Puppy
» Funatic Moschino 3rd in puppy class
» Funatic Mulberry 4th in puppy class
judge: Horst Hollensteiner, Germany
» Funatic SpongeBob EXC1 CQ in open class, BD#3, res.CAC
» Funatic Surreal VG in open class
» Funatic Taittinger EXC3 CQ in champion class
judge: Frank Lorenz, Germany
» Funatic Q-Louisa EXC4 CQ in open class
» Funatic QT-Ness EXC in open class
» Funatic Versace EXC2 CQ in champion class
» Funatic Vanity Fair VG in champion class
judge: Regula Bürgi, Switzerland
» Funatic breeder group 4th with HP
judge: Frank Lorenz, Germany