N’s are starting their show career

In News by Tuuli

Funatic N siblings Piquet and Nella had their first appearance in junior class at a tender age of 9.5 months and did pretty well! CAC for Piquet in Helsinki and res.CAC for Nella in Kuusamo!
Well done girls! We are so proud of you both :)
And more good news: in Kuusamo Skumppa’s daughter Alpweiden Face The Winner took CAC and BOS and finished her FI CH title. Congrats!

14.5.2011 Helsinki, specialty show for working dogs
» Funatic Now I’m Stepping Out EXC1 CQ in junior class, BB#2, CAC
judge: Rainer Vuorinen

14.5.2011 Kuusamo
» Funatic Nobiz Like Shobiz EXC1 CQ in junior class, BB#3, res.CAC
judge: Matti Luoso

Piquet on the move in Helsinki  (photo: Hanna Pohjatalo)