Two new Obedience titles!

In News by Tuuli

Funatic SpongeBob and Sabine have finished the TK2 title in Open Obedience. They took the last AVO1 leg in Porvoo on 5 June, 2010!
And in the same trial Ch. Funatic Roquefort and Natalia finished the TK1 title in Novice Class. Three consecutive trials and three ALO1 legs in 8 days!
WOW! Way to go boys and Sabi and Natalia!!!

Funatic SpongeBob & Sabine Klüss:
2.5.2010: AVO1
13.5.2010: AVO1, 1st place
5.6.2010: AVO1, 2nd place -> TK2

Funatic Roquefort & Natalia Rehbinder:
29.5.2010: 183 points ALO1, 2nd place and HP
1.6.2010: 186 points ALO1, 2nd place and HP
5.6.2010: 179 points ALO1, 3rd place -> TK1