Show News 4.-5.7.

In News by Tuuli

Cuba, Juusto and Ninja were shown during this past weekend.
And last week Juusto also participated his first obedience trial with very nice ALO2 result. Great start Juusto & Natalia!

4.7.2009 at the Tuusula Summer Show

» Bollinger du Hameau des Baronnies EXC4 in open class
»  Funatic Roquefort EXC in open class

judge: Adriana Griffa, Italia

5.7.2009 in Hyvinkää

»  Funatic Roquefort VG1 in intermediate class 
»  Funatic Versace EXC2 in champion class, BB#4

judge: Anita Alatalo

I have received wonderful news from Estonia! Last weekend Boyd’s daughter Ridon Hennet Elisee finished her junior champion titles of the Baltic countries at the tender age of 10 months (BALT & EE & LT & LV JCH)! Congratulations Raili & Liisu!!! Must be a record ;-)
And also great news from Kokkola International Show where Skumppa’s young daughter Alpweiden Forever Jackpot placed BB#3. Two weeks earlier her sister Alpweiden Face The Winner did the same thing in Rovaniemi and received her first CAC, too! Well done girls!